Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Well that didn’t take long did it? I must now repent for my sin of gloating.

What I left out of {gloaters} was the reason George backed into his brother’s truck. He was rushing to leave on a fire call! There I’ve said it; the weight has been lifted! Whenever George is in Richmond and not actually at the fire department, he is on “call” which results in him having to rush off anytime the pager says so! I’ve secretly thought about turning it off sometimes (not such a secret now), but he also receives text messages to his phone about 5 seconds after the pager goes off so it would be pointless.

So, not two days after he gave my van a sore hiney, he got a “quad” call. Essentially this means there is a fire of some sort and they need the assistance of the four local fire departments (Richmond, Spring Grove, Hebron and Wonder Lake). As he rushed out the door, he tossed me the radio, so I could listen as I sit and worry…what a thoughtful guy!! Apparently, some careless trash burning led to a fully engulfed barn fire less than a mile from our house. This is where my IV’s, many of which you have already become acquainted with, took over. As a result I ended up at the fire taking pictures. I was too chicken to get really close so I only got smoke-no flames. I wasn’t afraid of the actual fire, I was afraid that I would embarrass George. “Hey George, isn’t that your wife interfering with the firemen trying to save this barn?” Nope, I was definitely keeping my distance. So here is an example of what these guys do and they are without a doubt a special breed of brave fellers!!

This was what I saw after I evaded the police officer blocking the street. By the way, that is smoke.

Route 31 was lined with "rigs" from seven FD's! Ooooh, all those cute firefighters!!

Several hours later, this is what was left of the barn!

As part of my repentance, I must also say how proud I am of my hubby for being one of "those guys". I love you very much..............even though you're going to turn 40 really, really soon!!

Sorry, I couldn't resist! I can only be so good! Geez!!


Jen Bay said...

Built to... make me laugh...
Love your blog. --Jen

TheReg said...

You didn't put in any pictures of the hunka hunka buncha cute firemen! Sad day at the barn, he'll probably not burn so close to the barn next time -- at least not that barn!