Tuesday, April 15, 2008

{hottest teacher no more}

Many, many years ago, I won something special. I never really shared this information because I am a private kinda person and I certainly wouldn’t want to brag about my awesome breathtaking luck. But, seeing that I am getting older (or so I’m told) and I’m trying to become a more open person, albeit through a blog, I’ve decided the time has come to share my prize or at least the story of my prize.

So here it is-- the story I must share…..in 1997, while I was happily teaching at Westmont H.S., I was voted the hottest teacher in the school by the graduating class!!!! This honor was bestowed upon me at an all school assembly. Yes siree bob that’s right, teachers, counselors, kids and the principal (who now happens to be a superintendent in Antioch) were all witness to the fact that it is possible for a person to go from the color of pasty olive to pink to red to maroon and still walk across the stage to get her computer generated certificate!!!!

But my embarrassment is not why I choose to share this story now. The real reason is this…. while talking to my friend Shellie this morning, she happened to mention that her high school son thought I looked “old” in my profile picture on this blog. Don’t bother looking----it’s gone! Trying to cushion the blow, she quickly added, “He said you don’t look old in real life just in the picture.”

Hmmmm….really? What in the world did that picture magnify that can’t be seen in real life? There goes my modeling career! Unless of course I want to model for AARP! So what’s an aging woman to do?

Botox??? It is quickly becoming a consideration, but I’m already addicted to Diet Coke. So that option is out for now….although I may feel differently as the aging process continues!

Do I crawl into a hole, never post a picture of myself on the blog again and refuse to be seen in public, at least by high school age kids?

No, no those options just aren’t me. I know! I’ll tell the world about my prestigious award AND share my 1997 teacher ID picture that won me that honor as confirmation that I once was cool! Now don’t be jealous, it was many, many, many years ago and apparently the high school generation of this year would not bestow that same honor upon me now! Ahhh, I can at least revel in the memories!! This one’s for you Rusty!


Jen Bay said...

Dude! You are like sooooo hot!

Anonymous said...

Wow... I honestly cannot believe that she told you that... Don't worry though, she shared in my view. In the picture at least.