Monday, April 28, 2008


I love this child.
His picture frequents this blog more often not because I love him more, but because of the four children, he is simply quirkier. This is my new blog husband used this word to describe me. I think it fits, OK, I know it fits and I think I'm rubbing off on my family. Please refer to the John Deere birthday hats in the previous post. BUT FOR NOW, LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS PICTURE.

Plain bad luck is also a trait of mine that has been passed on to Jake. You see earlier in the day I was in the school office on "official" PTO business (do you think maybe I need a job?). Anyway, there I was conversing with one of the secretaries when who should appear in the office with the P.E. teacher??? BINGO. He was in some sort of trouble and was spending a portion of his recess writing a letter of apology. I gave him my best mad mom glare and promptly turned my back to him for fear he would see me LAUGHING! Seriously now, how bad can his luck be? The one day he gets into trouble his mom just happens to be in the office. I'm sorry Jake, you probably won't ever win any major contests either.

The P.E. teacher explained that during their skating party, some boys had formed a human slingshot and Jake had been "shot" into a girl and knocked her down. So why was my child the only one in the office? Yep, plain ole bad luck! Of course, I did not let him see me enjoying this moment. Every now & again I would turn and make glaring eye contact with him. By the end of the 7 minute apology letter, he was near tears. I know, I know I'm a cruel mommy. He started to walk away without so much as a "sorry mom" when he made that fatal mistake of turning around and making eye contact with me one more time. That did him in! I walked into the hallway to reassure him we would discuss this at home and there was no need for chin quivering at the moment, he could save that for later. Again, I know I'm cruel, very, very, very cruel.

He went his way and I went home after another good laugh with the secretaries. They too realized that a bad luck cloud lurked in every corner near my child. I got home and relayed the story to George who was a bit indignant that the child had gotten into any type of trouble at all for what appeared to be an accident. Can you accidentally form a human slingshot? Hmmmm....

After having another hearty laugh about the child's bad luck, my cell phone started ringing in the all too familiar "school ring". Oh no, not more trouble. Well, no it wasn't more trouble, it was the nurse telling me Jake had accidentally crashed into a pole. Crashed into a pole? Are you kidding? Crashed into a pole minutes after I had placed the fear of me into him? Why, why? Now I felt horrible! Leave it to him to ruin my fun. Apparently, while playing some ridiculous turtle football game on the playground, several kids had collided sending Jake flying face first into a pole.

Hours later, this is what he looked like. So no, no, he didn't get into trouble when he got home for the rollerskating incident. Karma got him instead.


TheReg said...

Hey! Gabriel has that SAME scar but on the opposite eye! His was from riding his car (at 2 years old) down the basement steps! Go JAKE! It just makes you look tougher. Just tell everyone you got fined by the school for knocking the pole over!

Jen Bay said...

Karma will get ya every time!