Tuesday, March 4, 2008

{rescuing rainbow}

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a scream of terror from your child? Let's set the scene. I'm in the kitchen finishing up some camp paperwork for my meeting. One child is spinning around in circles trying to make me sick to my stomach...it kind of worked, while the other two are doing their homework. (I'll let you figure out who is who.) Suddenly, the horrifying scream from the fourth child who mysteriously disappeared upstairs. As I start to run for the stairs (tripping over the children who are also now running for the stairs; including the dizzy one!) I can hear the water in the bathroom sink on at full force. I'm envisioning major flooding or perhaps a giant spider the size of my hand. It's amazing what can run through your head in a matter of seconds. As I breathlessly get to the bathroom, (maybe I should start working out again) I see RAINBOW; actually I see RAINBOW'S head as the rest of his body is already partially down the drain under the pressure of the rocketing water! I reach in and grab him and SAVE HIS LIFE!! What a mom! As it turns out, Mikayla was trying to clean the tank with two spoons and a plastic cup!! We are glad to say RAINBOW survived the trauma! Just another day!