Sunday, March 16, 2008

{candle hog}

Traditions. What would a family be without them? We have always been big birthday celebrators in my family; my family being my mom & my sister and our significant others. The celebrations have evolved from the extravagant dinner parties in restaurants to the more intimate setting of our homes. (My preference.) Usually the meeting place is my mom’s or sister’s house because I live way out in “God’s country” as my mom likes to say.

So we met at my sister’s house this weekend for our February & March birthday celebrations…. Mom, Jason (my sister’s beau), Niko (nephew) & myself. After dinner came time for the traditional blowing of the candles. This year it could actually be compared to the traditional running of the bulls! Here we are merrily singing "Happy Birthday".

And then literally, in the blink of an eye....THE CANDLES ARE ALL OUT! My mom AKA "The Candle Hog" blew out all the candles before the song was even over! Did she give thought to the other three people celebrating? NO! Did she think hmmm... Let's do this all together? NO!!! Did she inhale as deep as she could and blow with all her might? YES, why YES she did!! Don't you love my shocked expression?

So I did the only thing I could, I blew out pretend candles! I felt so much better! Mom, next year your candles will be isolated on a chocolate island of their own!