Tuesday, July 15, 2008

{it's 10 o'clock}

do you know where your kids are???

It would seem that there is a malfunction in the internal clock in my children. Why is it that at this very moment (11:06 p.m.) as I'm trying to focus on writing a funny entry, Courtney has entered my room for the third time just to "chat". Seriously, I'm here ALLLLLL day long her!! Oh and George is on the other side of me talking about "bonus baseball" ..... huh? All I want to do is to finish one blog entry, just one. So OK, there is a moment of silence and I think I might actually get through this.

As I was saying malfunction in interal clocks....

Courtney & Mikayla decided to take a swim in my bathtub at 10p.m.

Jake & Gavin got the "serious munchies" at 10 p.m.

AHHHHH!! Gavin please unplug that toaster. Like the SuperHero I am, got there just in the nick o' time! No, not really, he had already unplugged it.

And of course, the biggest child of them all came home from a meeting ready to finish installing the toilet in the guest bathroom at, you guessed it, 10 p.m.

Summer.... you gotta love it!

Addendum: While I was typing this in, my ADD took over and I decided to at least attempt to put the dogs to bed. Perhaps then everyone else would get the HINT!! Apparently the only hint taker in the house is the Blue Blood- Sir Max himself. Sorry Max, that's my spot!


Jen Bay said...

That has been happening a lot here on vacation as well. I'm sure it will only get worse at Bear Lake with all the cousins around.... Ahhh, Max looks so comfy.