Monday, May 26, 2008

{hooky day}

Every year my children get the opportunity to play "hooky" from school. They are not perfect attendance overachievers like I was. I lived for that piece of paper that said I had attended every last stinkin' day of school. But my children? Nope, they have no desire to win the McDonald's gift certificate or be acknowledged in that way. It all started when Jake (of course it was him) was really stressed out in 3rd grade. He was in a 3rd grade gifted class that skipped the 3rd grade material and moved right into 4th grade learning. I thought this was great. He, however, needed a day off. So I gave in. WARNING, WARNING....NEVER EVER GIVE IN!!! Now here we are two years later taking family hooky days. It's become a tradition I know will be passed down for generations and it will at some point be all my fault. But until then, let's enjoy some pictures!

My ami fabuleux, Lori, mentioned she had free passes for Key Lime Cove, the new water park in Gurnee. So we took our very white bodies there and had a great, great time.

I don't know how he's still standing. You can't see her, but Mikayla is hanging on his right arm. I got out of the pool just long enough to take some pictures and lose the game!

I thought this was the funniest picture! Look at the concentration in her eyes. She missed the shot! I think the life guard was wondering why I wasn't in a tanning bed!!

Great fun!


Jen Bay said...

looks like a fun day!

Jen Bay said...

I like your new header!